Asperger's and Acceptance


It's really great to see people these days accepting Asperger's Syndrome for what it is. AS is only an aspect of a person. It is not the entire picture. It's real, whether it's a category in the DSM or not. Asperger's is high functioning. It is barely a 'disability.' It's a unique perspective. 

Asperger's Syndrome should not be a taboo. Many famous people have Asperger's. Temple Grandin used her visual thinking and focused interest to her advantage. It meant she could specialise in a unique industry - cattle. Her books and speeches on Asperger's are still projects 'on the side' of her main career. Other famous possible Aspies include Bill Gates and Mozart. This simply means they all had focused interests and were slightly less social.  

AS is not a life sentence. Everyone in the world can learn over time. Aspies are the same. Aspergians adjust to changes in routine. They figure out what to say to people. They make friends. It is quite normal for AS to be less of a worry at a later age. Some higher functioning Aspies even look almost 'normal.'  

That's why it's great to see a greater acceptance of those who have this characteristic. It doesn't define anyone. It doesn't restrict capabilities. It simply means the brain is wired a bit differently. But we're all different anyway. Asperger's is not unprofitable, nor a handicap.

It is a gift. So many Aspies are thankful for their traits. Focused interests help Aspergians to become specialised experts. Categorisation and rule-making mean Aspies see patterns others might not notice (in music or math). Visualisation is a strength for some Aspies, helping them to plan projects before implementation. Asperger's is an asset. It's great to see people realise this. 


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