Switch off and on again

Switch off and on again. 

Techies often give this advice to anyone with a problematic gadget. We, as people, need to switch ourselves off and on again too. We need to take breaks. Everyone does. 

People need breaks from something or everything. It's normal to get addicted to phones these days. Busy individuals walk down the street and stare at their screens. We can miss fascinating things if we never look up to see them. Temporarily switching away from our gadgets can change our perspective. Don't worry. It's not forever. 

Full breaks from modern life are also important. A brief hideaway is the best way to regain perspective without external distractions. It's time to escape the daily grind. Go out to a quiet location to reflect. The Blue Mountains and distant beaches are easy getaways in Sydney. Find something which is convenient for you.

We need to be switched off an on again. Rests are very healthy. The old roadside advertising is a great motto for life. You don't need to be a driver to follow those three magic words. Stop. Revive. Survive. Or in the words of techies, switch yourself off and on again.


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