How to choose a speech topic

Choosing a speech topic can either be easy or difficult. Writer's block just sometimes gets in the way. I have to do a speech tonight, and just am not feeling overly inspired. So that will be the topic of my latest speech.


The topic should be familiar to you and your audience. If you don't understand the topic, or if you are unaware of the details, then speaking on it will be very difficult. Meanwhile, the audience members need to find a relevant take home message of your speech. They are asking the question, "What's in it for me?" The characteristics of your audience members can indicate their needs.

Brainstorm and Mind Map

Be fully uncensored. Write down all the words you think of for a keyword.

Google Keywords

The Google Keywords Tool, from the Google Adwords site, can suggest related words you could talk about around your main idea.

Board Games

Games like Articulate are great for prompting an elaborate story. It will give your a random idea. Then just run with it.

Fortune Cookie

Did the fortune cookie remind you of an old story or philosophical idea?
"All things are difficult before they are easy."
"When one door closes, another opens."
"Put me down, and run to the gym."


Stare out the window at a busy street. Or actually walk along the busy street, being present and attentive. Watch all the characters going by. Either tell their stories, or make up a story about them.

A recent trip to Town Hall Train Station saw a guy pole dancing on the phone booth to a Black Eyed Peas song. That was just so strangely unpredictable.

Your 21st Birthday Party
Ask your family for the most embarrassing appropriate story.

The last message you sent
Unless it's confidential, talk about the last message you sent.


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