

Life is a catapult. 

I am in awe by how life transformed when I allowed it. 

It is now late March. Around 10 months ago, my world flipped upside down. 

My grandfather received an OAM, and my grandmother was diagnosed with cancer. 

I had just quit an unfulfilling job, and moved out of an unhappy apartment, out to follow my dreams. My parents had been separated for a few years, and my grandparents were my rock. 

Two things resulted. Firstly, I suddenly felt the instinct to publicise Gary's award. A hunch, a voice, told me the world should know. This was one step for the Wilsons, one leap for Toastmasters. 

Secondly, I had to quickly learn independence during a grieving period. I couldn't run to this nurturing grandmother whenever I wished. Even mentors need to look after themselves. 

Ten months down the track, and I am more used to life as it is now. I am actively pursuing advertising clients. Family are on Skype when needed. Gary's award brought much needed attention to NSW/ACT Toastmasters, the organisation where leaders are made. I feel accustomed to living alone in the city. How did I end up here? How did I adapt to the events of 2014? 

It took time. I struggled to grow faith in my own abilities. Could I survive away from family? Was I good at my commercial work? Would my academic studies successfully balance my experiences with others' ideas? Everything was questioned. 

The answer is in pure faith in yourself. Don't listen to anyone who tells you that you can't. Ever. 

I told myself I can live away from family. Where there's a will, there's a way. Tea cups became my best friend. Although I will not die scrubbing a teacup.  

Several career hurdles showed me that I can survive. It takes strong work to create what you need. I typically work from 7am one day, to 1am the next day. Put in something great to achieve something greater.  

What's it like on the inside of such a roller coaster? How does it feel to be attending the wedding of a parent, when grandparents are both awarded and ill? How normal is it? It's all I know. 

It's worth remembering that my great-grandfather, Austin Wilson, received a knighthood in New Zealand. This was before I was born. Yet Dad is still the most down to earth person I know.  

I suppose it's because life goes on. People are mortal no matter what their career. And their families still need to make toast every morning, eat sandwiches every midday, have their serve of veg every evening. We are still human. 

We go on. 


  1. Langkah seperti apa untuk melakukan cara menggugurkan kandungan dengan aman dengan cepat dan akurat serta berhasil ? Pada dasarnya tindakan untuk melakukan cara menggugurkan kandungan sangat berbahaya sekali . Maka dari itulah ada jangan sepelekan dan menggunakan cara yang asal-asalan . Meskipun ada sebagian orang yang mempercayai bisa untuk cara menggugurkan kandungan 4 bulan seperti menggunakan rempah bumbu dapur semacam jahe , kunyit asam , asam jawa atau manjakani . Namun itu hanya sebuah opini atau mitos ataupun hanya kebetulan saja . Tindakan medis seperti kuret adalah langkah terbaik untuk masalah ini . ciri ciri pubertas pada perempuan dapat dilihat dari perubahan sikap dan fisik . Kapan wanita akan mengalami gejala menopause . Dan satu hal lagi perempuan sangat penting untuk merawat daerah kewanitaannya , cara menjaga daerah kewanitaan agar tetap rapat harus dimulai sejak dini


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