Random thins I normally do on the train

I am in love with the concept of multitasking. Trains are great places to multitask. There are less distractions than at home. Trips also force people to sit still for a while, not wandering around everywhere. It's multitasking heaven. The results are quite random. Here's what I get up to:

Creating Things on a Macbook 
I have been known to randomly make a web site on the train. Because why not. Sometimes a creative concept will just pop into my head and I just want to get it into the net. Some projects get done simply through a series of quick twenty minute sessions. Whatever the purpose, I love making things on the train.

Painting Nails 
Goodness - I can paint my nails when typing on the train, when walking down the street, when waiting in a queue... The thought of sitting and passively having someone else do my nails would make me feel a bit bored. Trains are great for nail painting because it can be done for a few seconds in front of the computer screen.

Applying Makeup 
The crucial bit here is a pocket mirror, and a torch app on the iPhone for nighttime trips. Otherwise, the lack of visibility will obviously result in very patchy bizarre cosmetics.

Multitasking is heaven. Don't know what I'd do without it.


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