How to get the Tweet button

I'm very new to the world of blogging and Twitter buttons help. The “tweet” button is an essential in the blogging world because it helps us to share new articles with each other more easily. I did have a bit of confusion recently where I didn’t write a new topic in the hashtag section for a new post. We all make mistakes when we are learning. Hopefully this will help in your future blogging. 

There are a few steps involved in getting to tweet. Click on this link for the page where all the smart editing is done. Cut and paste the URL for your web page into the “Share URL” section. Enter your Twitter ID next to “Via” so people can tag you (refer to you) when they tweet your page. Enter a subject into the “Hashtag” section for people to more easily find your page when they look for the topic it’s about. Then a box under “Preview and code” will give you some text to copy and paste. It should get pasted into the spot in your page where you want the button to go. In blogger, I always need to switch to HTML instead of regular text when doing this. You might need to do the same on your blogging site. 

After this, you should be able to easily tweet your blogs really easily. And of course I would read the blog of anyone who takes the time to read What Mel Wants.


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